September 19 - 20, 2024

Washington, DC | Capital Turnaround

Dr. Mark Batterson
National Community Church

Pastor Jon Tyson
Church of the City

Expand the horizons of the possible at our second annual Renew gathering at the Capital Turnaround on September 19 - 20, 2024. Pastor Jon Tyson of Church of the City, New York, will join us this year to inspire us to live as a creative minority on the redemptive edge of culture. We will offer your entire team a series of breakout tracks with inspiration and practical tools. We will also host innovation labs and creative experiences that will spark joy, laughter, and wonder. 

Exploring the Intersection of Gospel and Culture

Exploring the Intersection of Gospel and Culture


Pastor Heather Zempel
Executive Director, Dream Collective

Isaac Gay
Beauty is the Apologetic

Tony Sebastian
Business as Mission: “Engaging Secular Culture Through the Marketplace”

Pastor Joel Schmidgall
Making Hope Habit:
DC Dream Center

Cindy Fiala
10 Tons: Carrying the
Pressures of Leadership

Ernest Clover
Making Hope Habit:
DC Dream Center

Matt Johnson
Redemptive Real Estate

Emily Gay
Practicalities of the Presence

Austin Graff
Stories of Hope for the Community

Michael Wear
Spirit of our Politics

Casey J
Heart Care for Creatives: “How to keep your heart soft when your hands are full.”

Nina Schmidgall
Strategic Architecture for a Leader/ How do you support a visionary

Thann Bennet
A Fearless Life

Jodi Otto
Practical Strategies for Building a Culture of Hospitality & Excellence

Jason DeMeo
Artistic Intelligence - Unlocking Your Most Creative Future


Thursday, September 19

9:00 am Doors Open

10:00 am-11:45 am Main Session

11:45 am-12:00 pm Break

12:00 pm -1:00 pm Workshop 1

1:00 pm-2:30 pm Lunch (Onsite)

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Workshop 2

3:45 pm - 4:00 pm Break

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 3

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Dinner Break

7:14 pm House of Prayer

Friday, September 20th

9:30 am Doors Open

10:00 am- 12:00 pm Main Session

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch (Offsite on your own)

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Deeper Look Experiences

Creative Salon 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm (Miracle Theatre)

Please stay for our weekly one-hour prayer gathering on Thursday night. After a full day of strategizing and planning, we will consecrate ourselves and our dreams before the Lord and enjoy his presence. Our altars will be open, and our team will be ready to pray with you and for you.

What is a Salon? Simply put, it is an artist showcase. This vision is borne from the historical art exhibitions of the late 17th century Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. These gatherings were made up of people who came together to share art and discuss literature, philosophies, and other topics of their day. Our Salons are nights where artists can have the opportunity to share work around particular themes and highlight their ideology, philosophy, and theology around redemptive creativity. This is a beautiful night of expression and celebration as artists and appreciators of art come together to be encouraged and inspired by the power of art.


  • Anyone who is passionate about living on the redemptive edge at the intersection of gospel and culture. While our primary audience will be pastors and ministry leaders who desire to cultivate creative and entrepreneurial communities, we will also be joined by artists, founders, and cultural leaders who long to see a revival in the church and renaissance in culture.

  • Absolutely. We will have workshops for your entire team- worship leaders, facilities and operations, missions, discipleship. You can divide and conquer throughout the afternoon and share learnings with one another later. For those who are coming by yourselves, we will also have plenty of opportunities for you to connect with like-minded and like-hearted people. One of our hopes is that everyone walks away with the feeling, “I am not alone.”

  • Renew will take place at the Capital Turnaround in the Navy Yard area of Washington, DC. The closest airport is Washington-Reagan (DCA). Sometimes, you can find cheaper fares at the following:

    • Baltimore (BWI)- 32 miles away; around an hour commute, depending on traffic

    • Washington-Dulles (IAD)- 30 miles away; around an hour commute, depending on traffic

  • There are several hotels in Navy Yard in walking distance of the Capital Turnaround:

  • The Capital Turnaround can experience fluctuations in temperature throughout different parts of the building, so we encourage you to bring layers. We tend to be very casual here. Also, pack a notebook and a pen!